We are constituting our founding Risk Accounting Standards Board (RASB) that will also function as our non-profit’s board of directors. If you are interested in serving in this capacity please write to me in confidence at peter.hughes@rasb.org or call me on +44 7766 916541 for more information.

We are interested in hearing from you if you:

  • find our mission resonates with your own passions and aspirations for your particular profession, area of expertise or industry;
  • you are confident you can contribute positively and energetically to getting our non-profit up-and-running;
  • you have strong ties to the communities where our prospective members are likely to be active; and
  • are willing to help with growing our non-profit’s membership and fundraising.

Our aim is to constitute a board of directors with global representation that optimally balances expertise in risk management, accounting, technology, and data management and with a strong commitment to diversity.

Peter Hughes

Chairman: Risk Accounting Standards Board